Monday, July 28, 2008

Sneak Peek for Senior Miss B

I had the opportunity to do some of Miss B's Senior Pictures this last weekend. We endured some mosquitoes and some out of the way locations, but came up with a great mix of unique photos. Normally, I find a good mix of smiling and not smiling photos, but this session I just can't stop from picking the ones with the big smiles! Miss B has a LOVELY smile! Enjoy your sneak peek!


Troy said...

Very nice, as always. The new Phoenix background looks much better than the original one you had.

You really shouldn't let your seniors spray paint on peoples walls though! :-P

Unknown said...

Wow...very nice! I really like the graffiti on the wall, nice touch! The new Phoenix background is nice as well. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Looking good:)

She looks really sweet with the fancy dress and the rocket dog shoes!

Like Troy said, the phoenix background looks A LOT! better ;)

very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous....they look amazing! Becca looks great, and the train shots are pretty sweet!